i thought of you…

…We have “pasta Tuesday” every single Tuesday. I’m at Yoga and Adam’s skills in the kitchen include boiling water and forgetting to turn off the oven. But he’s really good at spaghetti with red sauce. Whenever I clean the pots and dishes, I have to smile. You taught us that it’s NOT ok to pour your spaghetti sauce straight out of the jar, onto your pasta. You heat it up in it’s own pot. “Those small pots are called sauce pans for a reason.” You also used as many dishes and utensils as possible when cooking and presenting a meal. I obvi like to do as little work as possible after cooking. You liked to get a bowl out for each ingredient to set on the table, which pissed me off since I was always on clean up committee when you cooked. While I still don’t agree with using every item in our cabinet, I will at least enjoy some warmed sauce on my pasta, and think of you.

…Going through Olivia’s clothes helping get her stuff together for her second year photos was frustrating. Ben had gone shopping, but I wanted to pick out what I know you would have wanted her to wear. I just wasn’t sure if you’d think it was perfect enough or not. You loved playing dress up with her. In fact, I think part of you wanted to have babies just so you could play dress up. Even for her one year pics, you were in the hospital so I had to do it then as well. I suppose I might be helping do it for the rest of her adolescence? This year wasn’t as bad because there was still a bunch of outfits left that you bought her. During your depressed times, you bought a bunch of clothes for future years because you were certain you wouldn’t be around to shop for her when she was in 2T, 3T, etc. While I was pissed your were shopping that far out at the time, I am happy you did it for this very reason.

…It’s not often I hear the song, “Ignition” by R. Kelly, but when I do, what a huge smile on my face. Remember being in Snowshoe with your students and Cory and Austin singing AND dancing to it? OMG. Right after the “how many cheeseballs can you stuff in your mouth” contest. That was such a fun trip. I can so easily hear you laughing at those kids. I’m sure they miss you just as much as anyone.

…Whenever I see someone wearing your pink bracelet still, almost a year out, I realize how much you really moved people. It really makes me happy inside to see the bracelets floating around. I still have people asking if we have any left because they want to continue to think of you daily. Mine has fallen off various times. Each time I think it’s you saying it’s ok to not wear it anymore. To let go a little. But then I always find it. Sometimes in the most random places and I can’t for the life of me figure out how it got there.

…My SIL’s mom was throwing out a wreath over the weekend. I saw it in the trash and for some unknown reason, I decided I should recycle it. I don’t have time for DIY crap. But this (you) wreath spoke to me. “Don’t let that go to waste. Little spray paint. Little embellishment. Perfection.” I wanted it to be teal but no such luck. So pink it is. Of course. You’d be proud that i’m takin the time to get all crafty up in here.

…I had to go to your house to dig out some costume stuff for Britt. While I was there, I grabbed some clothes and jackets for us. (Which btw, Britt found a bloody used tissue in one. SICK. But so not surprised.) I have checked your closet so many times over the past year for this blue shirt that I borrowed a couple years ago. You said you loved it on me and so I desperately wanted to have it. It was not there and suddenly it appeared a couple days ago. Just in time for me to wear it for my family pictures. Thanks for letting me find it! It matched my new skirt perfectly!

…Of course I’m making our Halloween costumes this year. Nori’s costume is a tribute to you. I can just see your eyes lighting up, hands near your heart with quick little claps, all giddy with excitement. The best part is that she talked about you as she was trying it on because she thought of you as well.

’tis the season.


i thought of you…

…A client gave me a bunch of Japanese candy for my birthday. A few packs were SOUR cotton candy infused with pop rocks. UM WHAT? It was delicious, duh. All I could think about was how much you would have loved it. The pack I had was sour apple which was your favorite. Against everyone’s wishes you continued to hide candy in your nightstand each hospital stay. Ok, maybe you gave up on the hiding thing after awhile. One time I was almost to the hospital and you called insisting I detour to some place that sold blow pops and Haribo gummibears. The sour apple blow pops were always the first to go. Then of course you’d chew the gum like a damn horse and that made me crazy. Sometimes you would steal my suckers because “I just need one lick, real quick.” I always fell for it, even though I knew I would never get my sucker back.

…Recently we had to reconstruct mom and dad’s pond. I know you like to communicate with her via deers, but If i find out you sent those deer through her pond as a sign, then so help me! With the help of all of us and a LOT of hours, the thing is finally balanced, with pretty waterfalls AND stable. Did we enjoy any bit of doing it? Nope. Mom kept saying how you were the only one who loved doing yardwork with her. Flowers and plants were your thing, not mine and Britts. (I still have leaves from last fall in my yard!) We will continue to help them keep their yard pretty, just channel some of your green thumb into me so it’s not so painful. Pleeeease.

…I’ve recently photographed a couple of your friends. Both sessions went really well and I so wanted to hop in my car to call you and tell you all about the cuteness I just captured. This week I had an especially hard time because it was a baby girl who I know you’d refuse to put down if you were in her presence. On my way home, you clearly saw I was having an emotionally rough drive. I know you had that van cut me off to snap me out of it. The large “Purcell Marian Cavaliers” bumper sticker told me so. Thank you for your little reminders. They never go unnoticed.

…Speaking of your friends. Multiple have had babies, others are currently pregnant, and one recently engaged. Everyone of them knows you had your hand in each of these things. It’s sad to me that you won’t be throwing wonderful showers with cutesy details but it makes me happy that you are so clearly still involved in their lives. Maybe it’s not with nursery ideas or wedding details, but experiences you are sharing with them in a different way. I know you are celebrating for them up there.

…The phrase, “come on Ali, help a sister out,” is the most overused phrase of my inner voice. By the 4-5th time I’m in the kids room each night, I finally beg for your help to keep them asleep for me. Some nights you pull through, other nights I know you are teaching me patience. Teaching me I need to enjoy those hours awake through the night because they won’t always be little. They won’t always need me like this. But seriously, can you give me at least 4 hr stretches once in awhile. I’m freaking tired.

Ali and Martha stealing babies. I wish more than anything you could have taken this picture of you two holding your own babies together.

i thought of you…

…Each time I drop my phone, which is like 8 times a day, I laugh and think about all the cellphones you destroyed. You had a special skill in breaking those things.

…At Olivia’s second bday party it was hard to avoid the elephant in the room. Instead of feeling the void, it was easier to embrace the angel in the room. Olivia sat in the same seat at mom’s as you did together, when she helped you blow out your 31 candles last year.

…Recently we may or may not have left Lilo outside our house while we were on our way to the airport. Reminded me of the it happened so much I couldn’t begin to guess a number of how many times you left Hula outside. Sometimes your were still home and forgot you let her out to potty (unleashed), sometimes you were pulling away and the owner of the house you were at was chasing your car waving their hands yelling, “wait! you left Hula!!” Sometimes it was even in the snow and 10 min after you had left, I’d hear scratching at my door. “Ohhhh Ali forgot to put Hula in her car. Again. SIGH.” You unintentionally did it everywhere but mom’s. You most definitely did it on purpose there because you didn’t feel like taking care of her for a few days.

…You and I have this (slightly disgusting) habit of leaving half used tissues laying everywhere. As I just blew my nose once and left the tissue with 3/4 of it still usable sitting on my desk, I smiled and thought, “wow that’s so gross of me.” But why should I waste the rest of the tissue when I will need it again within the hr, or maybe tomorrow? There were even still half used tissues waiting on your nightstand for you to come home from the hospital.

…I bought a pair of teal skinny jeans. I needed to call you to get your opinion. I couldn’t decide if you would think I’m too old for them or I needed to be more hip so I just assumed you would tell me to get them. Remember those furry lined clogs I used to wear in the winter? Whenever you would see me out in them you’d say, “HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO STOP WEARING YOUR HOUSE SHOES IN PUBLIC??” You even tried to hide them once at my house.

…I was talking about Sam’s Club the other day with friends and all I could think about was the many hilarious trips we took together. We’d go after church and fill ourselves up on samples. And God help us, if there ever was a live infomercial salesman, we had to stand and watch. And how often did we HAVE to buy it. By that I mean, you’d convince me I had to buy it so you could use it at my house. One trip we came home with 6 new knives, 2 veggie choppers and two mini juicers. Ben and Adam told us we weren’t allowed to go alone any more. Oops!

…Over the weekend I was cutting the grass in a slight hurry. Remember when we used to push the mower so fast we were almost jogging? We considered it a workout and if my neighbors were lucky, one of us would just keep going yard to yard. And isn’t it so cute how Nori follows along with her mower now? She is so proud to be helping.

…Every time I go to the zoo I think about the times we went there together. This pic below was from when Nichole was in town to see you. We made plans to go to the zoo with all of our kids and on the way there you got sick. We had already been there waiting so you insisted on still coming. I’m very thankful you did. I have some cute videos of you and Nori as well as precious pics like this one. She wanted to sit on your lap the whole time but it was hot and too much. So she just had to hold your hand. That was well over a year ago now, I can’t even believe it.

i thought of you…

…Nori has become slightly addicted to “flavor pops”.  It seems as though the only way to stop the battle to eat her dinner every night is to bribe her with a popsicle. Actually, now she tells us, “I will eat 5 more bites, and then I will have a popsicle. Ok?” Once I taught her the correct way to eat them, she enjoys it much more. Remember when we used to use that little silver hammer our folks have to smash the popsicle? The handles to the scissors work too. We wanted it to taste like a slushie, so we would beat the crap out of it before opening and tada!

…I was greeted at the entrance of a client’s wedding reception with a frame that stated they made a donation to your Rock Pink account instead of having favors. I had no idea they were doing it. As I read it, I stood there and cried. Then the bride’s father came up to say how honored he was to do that, then he started crying too. Unexpected.

…On your bday all I ate was sugar. Britt and I discussed how interesting it is that you either ate a pile a sugar for a meal OR a pile of veggies. One extreme or the other. Strange.

…With all the pink I have in my wardrobe, I can’t seem to wear anything pink anymore without Nori asking, “you rockin’ pink for Ali?” Somehow you have taken ownership to the color pink even though I’ve always worn it as much as you. You just prefer baby pink to my hot pink/fuscia.

…I keep twizzlers on my desk and while I work I munch. Some days I just want to bite off the ends and drink mountain dew through it like a straw. I can’t remember if Britt or Dad taught us that, but regardless it’s delicious.

…Every time I drop off Rachel at her XU dorm I think of you as a young college freshman living in the same building as her. She’s got multiple people in her hall wearing tutus now, you know. They even wore them to the Red’s game and scored a spot on the Jumbotron!

…The watermark perfect smiley face you left on Adam’s computer couldn’t have been more obvious evidence to us that you are always right here. (Especially since we don’t put glasses on our computers!!) He left the whole circle and face there for a couple months and it saddens me to see it’s disappearing.

While Ali lived with us she was notorious for leaving behind crumbs…everywhere, especially on our computers. Finger prints, smudges, you name it, you didn’t need CSI to prove she was on your computer. I love that fb allows her profile to stay active. I can just pull up her profile when I need a little encouragement to smile instead of be sad. I can hear her so clearly yelling at Adam. (Click the image to make it bigger if you can’t read it.)





Asuman Zura.

I’m having major technical difficulties on this blog so I had to post about this over on my Loft3 blog. Click on that link to read the whole post and see videos of the child we sponsored in Ali’s name.

Remember when all of us gorged ourselves with Orange Leaf for a week straight? Well I received some info on the little girl we sponsored awhile back but I had been waiting to introduce her here on the blog. Connie, the founder of Unified for Unifat, recently made her annual trip to visit the sponsored children in Uganda. While there, part of their mission is to get to know the children and take pics and videos for the sponsors back here in the States.

Asuman Zura is in the middle in pink, then Grandmother and little sister Miriam.

Here are ways you can personally help Unified for Unifat.

Donate to the cause. Once on their homepage you can chose where/what you want your money to go. This isn’t a big organization. In fact, it’s really just a handful of local high school’s service clubs who came together to help save the invisible children of Uganda. Your money will actually go directly to that specific cause. Actually, one of the original students that started this org moved to Uganda after college! So Connie and him talk daily about all things happening with the American donated money!

August 18th from 12-5 The Sandbar: a fun sand volleyball tournament fundraiser.

September 14th (7-11pm) Purcell Marian Ladies Night Out, there will be a U4U booth set up with Ugandan merchandise for sale, typical items include jewelry, purses, coin purses, laptop cases

November 10th Rusty Ball. Ever heard of the Rusty Griswalds? Apparently they put on a huge, always sold out, benefit every year at the Duke center.  Contact Connie directly for a ticket. CRing@moeller.org  Her ticket sales will benefit U4U.

Jewelry Party. Connie always brings home tons of jewelry etc. from Uganda and then has people host parties at their house. She says it’s great quality and really beautiful. If you are interested in having one email her. CRing@moeller.org

Rock Pink Tutu Walk= Success!

We did it! We celebrated my sister by wearing a whole lot of pink and tutus! The walk was actually a great success for our very first year. When we woke up that morning it was storming. I said to Ali, you were a terrible bowler here, now is not the time to prove your new skills with the angels up there. Though she mostly listened (was always a selective listener), we still dealt with a few sporadic showers throughout the event. Thankfully we didn’t have any fair weather fans and a good 200+ people attended the walk! Awesome!! After the strenuous, exhausting, one mile loop around the campus, we were all ravenous. We grilled out, had some games, door prizes, face painting, balloon animals and really just had a great afternoon. Mostly, I held up my end of the “don’t lift a finger, let Laura do all the work” bargain. That was fantastic. I’m pretty sure I was busy showing off my pretty handsome little boy dressed in Nori’s pink clothes the whole time anyway.  I mean, I barely even had time to eat 4 flavor ices, a cake pop (thanks Carrie!) and a cupcake (thanks shannon!), much less work!

As far as I know, everything went smooth and as planned, minus the rain. Laura did an amazing job of pulling every little detail together. I don’t even know the half of what Laura had to do to make it happen (even with the countless emails with outline styled things she  accomplished for the day, probably leaves a bunch out). My family is for reals in debt to her, like forever, though she did keep the leftover buckets of cotton candy so I’m willing to call it even. And to alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the others who I saw running around behind the scenes, you know who you are, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. So can you help out again next year? Cause I really enjoyed showing up, walking and going home. Oh and also a shout out to Kerry for hooking us up with the place (and whatever else you did, I’m telling you guys, I was barely involved), it was great!

And I must also say that I was impressed with all the pink and tutus. Next year we plan to make it even bigger and will likely sell tutus there, so no “my dog ate my tutu” excuses will work. Even though I know she could see all of us celebrating her in “Ali fashion”, it still hurts to realize we were walking for her instead of with her. All the extra love and emotional support given to us was appreciated.

Thanks so much everyone. We hope to be highlighting a bunch more tutu heroes soon and you can pat yourselves on the back for being part of such a good deed. Thanks! Did I say thanks yet? I meant to. Thanks friends! xoxo. Peace, Melanie.

Enjoy the IPHONE photos below! I’m not pointing any fingers at anyone Adam Pace, but there was supposed to be a memory card WITH the camera we packed. So thanks to everyone who shared their images on Instagram and Facebook! Total fail on the part of the photographers in the family…ahemm…Adam Pace. Search #rockpinktutuwalk for more!



Tutu hero: Vanessa.

***There are some graphic images below, fyi.***

 I asked Vanessa to share more than what the form asks. I wanted people to know the truth behind breast cancer and like the Scar Project states, “Breast Cancer is NOT a pink ribbon.” When a women is left feeling defeated and mutilated, she needs to know THAT IS NOT WHAT SHE IS AT ALL. She is still as gorgeous as she was before cancer dared to enter her body. Your hair, breasts, and uterus are NOT what define you as a women. The images of her along with the others are a true testament of beauty and strength. I’m posting them because people need to know under that cheery little smile of Vanessa’s, she’s risen through so much anguish. No matter how many times and places they have found cancer in her, she fights it in stride. And most importantly I know she will continue to be the same bubbly, happy girl I met years ago in college.

As I sit here and stare at the adorable image below of Vanessa as I type, I am bluntly reminded that life is so precious and we should indeed live every.single.day sincerely, just as Vanessa asks us to pledge. This girl has been through more in the last 5 years that I’m not even sure what adjective I should use to describe it. And still she stands so tall and proud, looking more beautiful than ever. Well done my friend, WELL DONE. People who feel like they are having a rough day need to sit and have a little chat with you to remind them of perspective. After we had lunch, I felt so blessed. It wasn’t because I was glad I wasn’t in your shoes, it was because your words made me feel so excited about life. Excited about my kids (even though they were terrorizing the restaurant) and our days ahead. Thank you for you encouraging me.

You are a badass and I pray so hard that you continue to keep up your faith and fight like you have nothing to lose. You rock, Vanessa. I’m so proud to call you my friend. I know no words can take away your pain and I’m sure, anger, but just know there are SO many out there always thinking of you. I know you are helping so many things fall into place in God’s plan and one day we will all understand why some had to go through so much while others didn’t. God be with you the rest of this journey. <3

Name of tutu recipient: Vanessa Tiemeier

Age: 30

Diagnosis: breast cancer

Age at Diagnosis: 25

Date of Diagnosis: March 2007

Treatment Center: OHC Ft. Thomas

Treatment Plan: Chemo, surgery, radiation

Favorite Songs: Tumor by Christina Blust

Favorite TV Shows: Say Yes to the Dress

Favorite Website: Facebook

Favorite Activities: play with my 3 nephews

Favorite Colors: green, purple

Favorite Foods: pasta

My Support Team: Jessica, Christina, Billy, Mom, Dad, Jason, David, Max, Myles, Leo

Inspired By/Role Models: Sona, Jolene, Joules, Emily, Sara, Marci, Michaela, Sylvia

What else do you want others to know about you?

My story begins in November 2006 when I felt a lump in my breast.  I went to the OBGYN for my yearly appointment and my doctor felt it too. He suggested an extensive test so I went to get it tested. But the doctor at that time diagnosed the lump as dense breast tissue. Four months later, with the same lump, the doctors correctly diagnosed it as breast cancer after a mammogram, core biopsy, node needle aspiration and a MRI.

When diagnosed, I was only 25 years old and had only been married 9 months. I was kinda upset and couldn’t believe I had been misdiagnosed at the beginning. I was diagnosed with Stage 3A breast cancer. It was on my right breast, and had metastasized to my lymph nodes, so I had to have a mastectomy and I decided to make it double. I also had to get radiation on the breast area and start chemo. That combo was difficult and left my body so different (in pain and no hair and no breasts). I then had a tram-flap reconstruction using my belly skin and fat as my new breasts.

After all those treatments and surgeries were over, I had another scan, and I was declared NED (no evidence of disease). A little bit later I crushed my finger in a drawer and broke it. After my hand scan, they also did a whole body scan. From that, I learned my cancer had metastasized to my bones and lung, so I was upgraded to stage IV cancer. I first had a hysterectomy/oophorectomy completed to try to control my ER+ PR+ hormone positive cancer, I also had monthly injections of zometa for my bones and 2 shots in my butt with faslodex as an anti-hormone treatment.

The hysterectomy left me unable to ever get pregnant, a fact I am still very much upset about, because I have always wanted (and still do want) kids. It was hard to believe that so early into our marriage, I was infertile. Making it even harder was the fact that we are not permitted to adopt now either, due to my expected life expectancy not surpassing the child’s. To apply for adoption and be accepted we would need to have a doctor’s note I would live at least 18 years.

Next I had many headaches, so I got a scan of my head. Tumors were found in my meninges (brain lining) and were pressing on my brain. I had surgery on my head to put in an Ommaya Reservoir for monthly treatments of methotrexate directly to my brain lining. Most recently, tumors were also found in my brain. I had whole brain radiation on my head daily for 2 weeks to attack the brain mets. I also started steroids to help control the swelling in my brain, which was giving me horrible headaches. The steroids have frustrating side effects like skin rashes and puffiness. This time was terrible because I got incredibly dizzy and felt like I couldn’t exist normally, and I often feel confused and forget things.

My latest MRI after the whole brain radiation showed no growth in my brain mets, but also no improvements. I was nervous to consider stopping active treatment and entering Hospice, but it was at this time that my doctor suggested I do. This was the most horrific thought and I didn’t know how to understand it. To me Hospice seemed like a death sentence at first, but in fact it just means you are not taking active treatments but still have the chance to do things, be capable and enjoy life everyday.

While the outlook is not good I continue to Live Sincerely and work on encouraging myself to do good things and live each day to the fullest. In fact, I had a super Live Sincerely party on the purple people bridge in Newport a month ago with my sister’s band playing, and we had snacks, drinks, buttons and magnets decorated with a reminder to Live Sincerely. We also added the Live Sincerely Pledge to the website my sisters and I made, so you can agree to it and sign up. This concept makes me happy so I continue to share it!

Vanessa had a feature on the news about her Live Sincerely party. You can watch it HERE.


These images were taken by David Jay of The Scar Project. I truly hope you will click the link and feel the strength these wonderful women have. While they are hard to view, they sure inspire me, both as a woman and photographer.

Tutu Hero: Natalie

Name of tutu recipient: Natalie Collins

Age: 4

Diagnosis: Wilms Tumor on both kidneys

Age at Diagnosis: 3

Date of Diagnosis: 4/22/2011

Treatment Center: Cincinnati Children’s

Treatment Plan: Chemo and both kidneys removed


Favorite Subjects:

Favorite Books: Pinkalicious, Good Night Train, I Love You Because You’re You

Favorite Activities: Playing games, singing, watching The Little Mermaid and running around really fast since I was stuck in a hospital bed and on the couch for so long not feeling well during chemo treatments.

Favorite Colors: Pink and Blue

Favorite Foods: Skyline/Gold Star 3–ways and chocolate

My Support Team: Mommy, daddy, Noah, Emma

What else do you want others to know about you?

I’ve been through so much more than a lot of people will ever have to go through. I’m a very brave girl who loves Princess Ariel from The Little Mermaid and love spending time with mommy, daddy, Noah and Emma. Like Ali, my favorite color is PINK and always has been! I gave everyone a few really big scares through my journey but am thankful to be feeling so good these days. I went through many rounds of Chemo and lost both of my kidneys due to the cancerous tumors on them. I just had my nine month post-chemo scan and am happy to report the scans were clear. I currently go to dialysis four days a week (Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat) but hope to get a kidney transplant by the end of the year. Mommy has a website set up that she tries to update as much as possible if you’d like to follow my journey or see how far I’ve come: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/nataliecollins. We’re really looking forward to going to Disneyworld for my Make-a-Wish trip once the transplant is over and I can’t wait.

My motto through this journey has been to say “me tough” and I tell everyone all the time when I grow up I want to be a nurse and take care of sick kids like me! I’m very thankful our family and friends have done so many amazing things for us over the past year plus and we can’t thank everyone enough. We are truly blessed and thankful that I’m still here and such a tough little girl!

If you want to help support Natalie in receiving her kidney transplant they are having a benefit at  Jim and Jacks on the River on October 28th.

Thanks for sharing Natalie! You just look cute as can be in your tutu!! I pray this transplant is the end to all this suffering and the beginning of a healthy new journey!


hbd sister.

Dear Ali,

It can’t possibly be a year since we celebrated your 31st bday. Since I watched you struggle to blow out your candles. How has so much happened in such a short time? How has time escaped us so quickly? It hurts. It hurts really bad. I was searching for the bday post I did for you and Ella last year and I had already forgotten all that happened on this day last year. I had forgotten you were just declared terminal. I had forgotten about the pressure to get into the drug trial and all our empty hope. I forgot you spent the day in the hospital and then transported to Columbus. I reread the post and I can still feel it inside how anxious we were. As I sit here, I feel that exact anxiety I felt for 8 months. The fear we could lose you and that every minute I spent with you could be my last. I even just told myself to shake it off and if I keep writing you are going to get better, than dammit, you will. But wait, IT already happened. 8 MONTHS AGO! I remember wondering if I was fooling myself. I remember going to our folks house with such a heavy heart because in the back of all of our minds, we knew this could actually be your last birthday. I know we were all thinking it, we just refused to believe it. But honestly, in my mind I knew it was a greater possibility than not. I hated myself for thinking that.

You always had a birthday week, not just a birthDAY. You liked to celebrate and you would find a way to do something and/or receive something special each day. FOR A WEEK. It’s funny cause only you could get away with such thing. How did you have such talent? People on fb are celebrating this whole week with you by wearing pink. Actually, a lot like they did last year. People are posting images of themselves on the Run and Rock Pink for Ali page to show their love. It’s so amazing to me, this pink community of support you have here. People ARE STILL GIVING YOU A BIRTHDAY WEEK and bdays don’t even matter to you anymore! That.is.talent. You are still so loved.

For your bday, we are starting the day off with mass being said for you at OLV. I cringe to think about hearing your name again during the intentions. And tonight, our immediate family will be toasting you at your favorite restaurant. It’s getting harder to trick myself into believing you are just at home sick, or out of town. Tonight, it’s going to be thrown in our face. Celebrating YOUR birthday, without you. Puke. Part of me wants to stay home curled up in a ball. The rest of me feels like you’d be pissed I wasn’t eating lettuce wraps in your honor. It’s like a constant battle you are fighting with us in our minds. Stop crying over me and celebrate! We will try.

I can’t imagine what this week has been like up there. You probably have Jesus wearing a pink tutu right now. Seems like something you’d be able to accomplish. I know birthdays likely don’t exist in heaven, but I’m sure this one is the best you’ve ever had. Nothing here could even compare to the party you are having up there. Just please be with us today, as we have our small party for you here. Cause this day still matters to us, and it always will til we can celebrate with you again. Be with mom and dad as they replay your life from your first breath to your last, over and over again. It is certainly not easy to be in any of our shoes today, but theirs especially. And while Ben is saving the most money he’s ever saved during this week, be with him too. Even though he used to shake his head in slight disapproval over your bday week, I know he’d give anything to celebrate again, with you.

If I could make your birthday wish for you this year, it would be that you allow us to feel more peace than sadness today. Please make yourself known. I’m not just asking for one of your pretty pink sunsets or your rainbows, make it more special to us. Thank you. 🙂

Happy 32nd birthday, sister. I/we love you so much.

Love, Smelli.

(always the life of the party.)


Tutu walk!

It’s happening this Saturday, y’all!! If you missed the pre-registration, it’s ok, register Saturday morning. We have a very cool little gift for everyone to rock that day, so don’t miss it! Remember to WEAR YOUR TUTU AND/OR PINK. I’m not saying I will make fun of you (that’s a lie, I will) if you claim to have nothing pink to wear. Be creative. Pink bandana? Accessories? Socks? Wife’s bikini? No excuses.

Things Laura told me to tell you about:

Registration begins at 10AM At the Xavier Yard. If you are unfamiliar with Campus, Park in the Cintas lot and walk towards Bellarmine Chapel…..you won’t be able to miss us. Here is a link to the campus map http://www.xavier.edu/about/map.cfm.
1. If you Pre-Registered: Please come to the registration table and find the sign that says “Pre-Registration”. You will pick up your goodie bag and raffle ticket (and tutu if you ordered/paid one ahead of time).
2. If you Register Day Of: Same as above, please come to the registration table and find the sign that says “Registration” to complete your form and submit your payment. You will also received your goodie bag and raffle ticket at this time.
3. If you have spoken to Laura about volunteering for the day of or dropping anything off, please also come to the registration table and find LAURA. (She’ll likely be the one who has an incredible amount of energy bouncing around, with blonde/pink hair, also wearing a name tag.)
4. Face painting and balloon animals will begin at 11:30am.
5. The raffle will be done at 12pm and you must be present to receive your prize.

I already warned my facebook friends that there will be a large purge come Sunday if at least 1/4 of my friends don’t show. The last thing you want is to be defriended by me and miss out on all the “over sharenting” I do. (Vaca is a valid excuse, I wish I could be on the beach with you.)

Also, I will be taking instagram pics all day. If you are there, then be sure to #rockpintutuwalk on your images so I can pull them to eventually share here on the blog.

Drinks, food and fun afterwards til 1:30pm. It’s going to be SOMUCHFUN. Be there.

Peace, Mel.