a gift for nico.

shortly after nov. 3rd, i received a gift on my doorstep. inside was a sweet letter and a couple outfits. the present was from gina, the oncology case manager at university hospital, where ali spent most of her last 8mths. gina played an important behind the scenes role while ali was sick. she helped guide the residents with medical decisions for ali, along with the attending doctor. She’s the only permanent person on the oncology “team” and the consistent face that gets to know the patients each time they are in both medically and personally. she went on rounds but generally stayed at the door. ali had anxiety about people hovering over her, especially when they were talking medical jargon. gina still tells me how much ali has affected her view on life, which is pretty impressive since she’s literally around the sick and dying on a daily basis. it just goes to show how memorable ali is, if a part of the hospital staff wants to continue a relationship with her family. after all, she was there, in the icu, helping our family understand how to peacefully let her go. and yes, she was in tears, because she knew who ali really was…not just another patient.

Β she had this sleeper embroidered just for nico. how special this is to me…


gina came and showed her love for ali at orange leaf last night. i was expecting to see her, so i dressed nico appropriately. πŸ™‚ just a cellphone pic. he looks like a monkey, ya?

we need more “ginas” in the hospitals around the world. so many nurses (until they got to know ali), couldn’t have cared a less. it was just a job to them. ali didn’t choose to be sick. she didn’t choose to have their life on the line. i wish she would have always been treated a little bit more fragile, with more dignity. i suppose i’ll let that frustration out another day. for now, just want to give a special shout out to gina and her awesomeness. because of people like you, it made ali’s battle a little less difficult. thank you friend.

peace, melanie.

ps. i figured out why i love gina so much too. she has a love of color AND a bright collection of socks that hardly ever match. sound familiar? πŸ™‚

6 thoughts on “a gift for nico.

  1. Wow, that is awesome πŸ™‚ What a great person! Definitely need more like her! I absolutely love the first pic of Nico. He is so handsome πŸ™‚

  2. Hey Mel,
    I just wanted to say I love you all very much. There is so much I want to say to you when I read your blog posts, but I don’t know how to express it all. But in the end, it all boils down to I love you. The process of grieving is long and hard– and I’m glad you have your faith to help you along.
    I think it is important to practice compassion (though I know you certainly do)– for those who need it the most are the ones you want to give it to the least. It’s hard to get to know every person who comes in and out of a hospital– especially when these nurses and doctors are losing patients on a daily basis– sometimes it’s necessary to build a hardened exterior. And I understand your anger at them. But I’m sure that they were all affected by Ali, just as they are affected by every patient they meet (whether they show it or not).
    It helps knowing there are a lot of people out there doing good in a world filled with some not nice people (whatever their motivations may be).

  3. oh i just burst into tears when i saw that outfit. that is the coolest thing in the world! so sweet and what an amazing nurse. so very thankful she was there to be such a rock for all of you. i KNOW, without a doubt, gina and ali are inspiring other nurses to change their lives. it’s shit this is how they have to do it, but amazing none the less. love you all so much.

  4. I have been following this story every since Ali was diagnosed. You do not know me personally but I know your cousin Jen. I have met Ali a few times while she was visiting. I just want you to know how touching your blogs are! I cant help but drop a tear every time I read your posts. My heart aches for you and your family. Your love for your sister is inspirational!! I have 3 sisters I have not talked to for years due to personal issues, but you made me realize how important a close sister bond is and it is never to late to connect. THANK YOU… Ali is an amazing person and she has an amazing sister. She is looking down on you smiling:) May God guide you through the grieving process and one day you shall meet again.

  5. Mel,
    I have been following your story since Gina joined my small group at church last fall. Your family has made such a profound impact on Gina and everyone in our women’s group. Thank you for writing this blog and for the impact you are making on my group of friends and the world πŸ™‚
    Love, heather

  6. Pingback: Gina & Jake. » loft3 photography

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