our memories will last forever…*1*

i’ve asked some of ali’s family and friends to share funny some things we never thought we’d miss about her and things she said or did that made us laugh. i’m just tryin to keep things light around here whenever i can. 🙂 remember the book fair is this sun & mon!


“When we’d go to rock shows or festivals, you’d be back stage faster than the band would, conning yourself into getting rad VIP gifts! I.E. those awesome shoes you got for acting like G-Love’s g/f at lollapalooza one year.”

“she got regular calls from a grown man who wears diapers as a fashion statement. at least i think that’s why he wears them… p-nut would call ali everytime george clinton and parliament funkadelic came into town. i’m pretty sure she even had him programmed into her phone? and sometimes he’d even just call her to say hi (by “sometimes” i mean, i know this happened at least once that i personally witnessed…) so that was one regular concert where ali was guaranteed a backstage pass and the occasional stage dance!”

“when we played indoor soccer together in high school ali did not exactly take the competition seriously. she used to run around the court with no particular regard to the actual game that was happening. just kind of running in circles laughing, and would scream-shriek if the ball came anywhere near her, and/or she actually had to make contact with the ball. i thought this was hilarious.”

Ali Nunery on how to score VIP band swag: “You silly girl, just act confident, claim to be a girlfriend. And get the hell out of dodge before they realize you aren’t!”

“Only person I’ve come across who showed up for dinner in her pajamas………and the tops and bottoms usually didn’t match.”

“I found out Olivia picked up more little tidbits from her mom than I realized…..at such a young age. Instead of playing with her toys….she carries them around in paper shopping bags…..most often 3 at a time, and pretty heavy. she threw two of them over her shoulder yesterday and one in the other hand just walking around the apt.”

“I was able to spend a few days helping and visiting with Ali. As I left I said, “OK, so now we’ll go back to me texting or emailing you every day and you responding whenever the heck you feel like it!” She started laughing and said, “OK!” That was Ali!”

“Every time I put on mascara. I put on one extra coat. Because when you think you have enough. You need one more coat!”

“I second the mascara comment and would add that I can’t look at or eat cotton candy without thinking of Ali.”

 “Lily Pulitzer dresses, guacamole, and zulily have invaded my life thanks to Ali.”

“her phone would ring and buzz and ring some more and she would totally ignore whomever it was. but God forbid zulilly send a text with girlie girl outfits for Olivia on sale and the world stopped while she bought another outfit-cuz she ALWAYS bought another outfit.”

 i invite you to share any funny moments you’ve had with ali. email me at pace@loft3pd.com. they are supposed to make us laugh though, so don’t get too sappy! not too long, just something like you see above. let’s show the world how quirky but awesome ali is.;)

peace, melanie

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