4 thoughts on “i miss your face.

  1. Hello,

    I lost my mother to colon cancer at a young age and my father soon followed behind her due to a broken heart. This website is an absolute gift to Olivia. The thing that I wish I had were stories about my mother, specifically about her personality. No one ever tells me if I am like her and that is one thing that I long for most in life. Keep writing about her so that when Olivia is old enough she will be able to know her mother the way you did. My thoughts and prayers are with you. The pain of your loss won’t fully go away, but eventually over time, it won’t be so overwhelming.

  2. Blessings to a sister, from a sister. You are an amazing person to carry on the legacy of your beautiful sister. Prayers of peace and comfort to you and all that were touched by Ali.

  3. Melanie, what a beautiful person you are to carry on Ali’s legacy through this amazing website. I read the caption above Ali, Ben and Olivia’s gorgeous family picture in the Enquirer today and realized that my husband, Tony, was a few doors down from Ali’s recovery room in the cardio-vascular stepdown unit at Christ Hospital in March. I had heard about Ali and remember seeing Ben and Ali intermitantly during my husbands stay. It is easy to recall someone such as Ali. I had heard of Ali’s illness as our primary physician is Dr. Craig in Madisonville as well. I didn’t know her name at all, but when my husband was sent to the hospital and had lung surgery…well it wasn’t hard to figure out who the other “young person” was on the floor. When I saw it was a woman, I knew it had to be the person I heard about at Dr. Craigs. I remember sitting in Tony’s room waiting for him to return from a cat scan. I was stressed, worried and to be honest…feeling badly about my husband and myself (selfishly) and what he was going through, and so forth. At that moment, I looked to the hallway where I saw Ali walking towards our room w/an aid (and very, very cute pink fuzzy slippers 🙂 ) The moment I glanced up, Ali smiled at me. It ROCKED my world, that smile. I was blown away by this dynamic glow she had, her strength and the fact that she had cancer, just had lung surgery, had a very young baby and she SMILED at me. I can’t tell you how intensely she changed my life in that very moment. She…Ali…with her smile and kind “hi”….snapped me out of a moment of pity for Tony and well…myself. So please….add another # to the large # of lives she has touched. Melanie, I am so very sorry for your loss. I pray for healing for you and your family and wish you the best. Thank you for sharing Ali’s story.

  4. To Ali’s family: I am so sorry about your lost of Sweet Ali. I had the pleasure of working with Ali and I was affectionately called her ‘black Momma’. I loved Ali dearly and was pleased when she informed me that she was going to become a librarian. My prayers and thoughts are with you. Thank you so much for sharing her (Ali) and her journey with us.

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